Preventative Care

Teeth Cleaning

You have the power to maintain a healthy mouth by practicing good dental hygiene and visiting  our dental hygienist, for regular dental exams. Preventing tooth decay, gum disease, and harmful bacteria from entering the bloodstream protects your immune system and supports your overall wellness as well.The short answer: as infants! Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child’s first birthday. By this time, the baby’s first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning to erupt and it is a critical time to spot any problems before they become big concerns.

Why Schedule A Dental Hygiene Exam?

  • Catch problems at their earliest stages

  • Prevent and limit damage to teeth and gums

  • Treat problems in the most manageable way

  • Dental cleaning helps maintain and boost oral health

 Dental Hygiene Tips:

  • Brush your teeth three times a day, with a fluoride toothpaste

  • Clean between your teeth every day with floss

  • Snack smart (limit sugar)

  • Don’t smoke or chew tobacco

  • See Dr. Browder for continual, professional visits


Your First Visit

Your first visit to Westport Family Dental involves a few special steps so that our team can get to know you. Save time by printing out and completing the New Patient Forms in advance of your appointment.

 Your first appointment at our office will include:

  • A full mouth series of digital x-rays

  • Oral cancer examination performed by Dr. Browder

  • Periodontal examination

  • A cleaning, if no periodontal disease is present

The team here at Westport Family Dental looks forward to seeing you and helping you improve and maintain optimal oral and overall health.


Root Planing & Scaling

Scaling and root planing is essentially a deep cleaning, designed to treat gum disease (periodontal disease) and prevent further bone loss by removing plaque and tarter buildup under the gum line and around tooth roots.

 This non-surgical treatment is recommended to eliminate bacteria and prevent gum disease from progressing. Our patients can rest at ease during these treatments because the gums are numbed and our hygienists are very gentle to minimize sensitivity afterwards. Periodontal (gum) disease has been linked to diabetes and heart disease and is important to treat for your overall health.

 Dr. Browder is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding periodontal disease, root planing and scaling.

Periodontal Disease

Your Gums Are The Foundation Of Your Oral Health! Dr. Browder wants to make sure that you understand this very important point, as your gums are the foundation of a healthy, beautiful smile.

Periodontal disease is a silent and painless disease until the advanced stages. As an infection, it destroys the attachment of the gum and the bone, which supports and holds your teeth in place. Your body must fight a constant infection, which wears down the immune system. Early detection of periodontal disease enables our Westport team of dental professionals to treat the periodontal disease with less radical treatment methods and create healthier gums with reduced general health risks.

Slow, but progressive, periodontal disease swells the Gingiva and destroys the bone that supports your teeth. Once the bone is lost, it does not regenerate. It may be generalized affecting all of your teeth or localized, affecting one tooth. This disease affects both men and women of all ethnicities from teen years through adulthood. In its early stages, you be unaware of its presence.  Dental hygiene habits, medications, smoking, alcohol, diet, general health or heredity may play a role in its progression. Initial symptoms of the disease may include swollen gums that bleed when you brush and an odor to your breath. Symptoms can advance to loosening and shifting of teeth and their eventual loss.

Research has shown that people with periodontal disease are twice as likely to develop heart disease, which may lead to heart attack. The gum inflammation characteristic of periodontal disease creates a path for bacteria in plaque to enter your bloodstream. This bacteria travels throughout your body a may be a factor in numerous conditions. The consequences of bacteria lodging in your heart can be quite serious or even fatal.

One of the easiest ways to prevent the decline of your oral health is to maintain a regular schedule of having your teeth cleaned by one of the Westport Family Dental hygienists. At Westport Family Dental, we know how important thorough cleanings and dental hygiene are, both during and in between dental visits. Dr. Browder offers adult, child and periodontal maintenance cleanings to ensure healthier teeth and gums. Our hygienists are very experienced at treating patients of all ages and our goal is to provide a comfortable, friendly, and welcoming environment.

A professional cleaning will minimize the accumulation of plaque and calculus on your teeth.  Your hygienist will also provide you with instruction on personalized home care.  By working together, we can prevent the advance of gum disease and ensure healthy teeth and a healthy smile in the years ahead. Our team utilizes their experience along with the most advanced technologies to diagnose any underlying conditions that may need to be treated. After a cleaning with our hygienist, Dr. Browder  will personally examine your teeth, x-rays and intra-oral photographs and explain any further treatment needed. We also offer 3D imaging for certain diagnoses, which is the most advanced radiography in dentistry.

Digital X-rays

Safe and State-of-the-Art, Westport Family Dental feels it is of the utmost importance that our patients realize the benefits of our digital X-ray system. A digital X-ray allows for quick on screen reference to facilitate your understanding of any areas of concern with your oral health. As well, digital X-rays are much safer than normal X-rays.

Digital X-rays help in the diagnosis and treatment of many dental procedures. They illustrate bone height, bone defects, infection, root involvement, tartar, tooth decay and more. Digital X-rays are also beneficial in determining if gum disease is progressing or if arrested.

Digital X-rays are scanned into our computer, allowing for the images of your teeth, supporting bone and gums to be large and crisp, stored in your file for future reference. Digital X-rays are faster, safer and environmentally friendly.

Please feel free to speak to Dr. Browder or any one of our Westport Family Dental team members on how this amazing technology allows our team to bring patient care to a higher, safer and improved level.


If you have any further questions, please feel free to speak to Dr. Browder or any one of our Westport Family Dental team members today.